Laughter is indeed good medicine

When I was a child, my grandparents had a subscription to Reader’s Digest magazine and, once they finished with each issue, it came to my house to be read and enjoyed again. Back then, a favourite column was “Laughter is the Best Medicine!” and as an...

Happiness is…Talking about books

Books have been part of my life as far as back as I can remember and almost as soon as I learned to read, I shared and talked about books with others. In childhood At school, book reports were a feature of elementary (primary) school and in sorting through old papers,...

Flash book sale, a writing tip & a cookie

In between my regular blog post schedule, I’m writing to you this week to let you know about a flash sale on A Wish in Irish Falls and share a writing tip.   Get A Wish in Irish Falls for only 0.99 cents/pence If you’re in the US or UK, my publisher has put the...