When I was a child, my grandparents had a subscription to Reader’s Digest magazine and, once they finished with each issue, it came to my house to be read and enjoyed again. Back then, a favourite column was “Laughter is the Best Medicine!” and as an...
Books have been part of my life as far as back as I can remember and almost as soon as I learned to read, I shared and talked about books with others. In childhood At school, book reports were a feature of elementary (primary) school and in sorting through old papers,...
In between my regular blog post schedule, I’m writing to you this week to let you know about a flash sale on A Wish in Irish Falls and share a writing tip. Get A Wish in Irish Falls for only 0.99 cents/pence If you’re in the US or UK, my publisher has put the...
My latest book, the Kindle edition of A Wish in Irish Falls, came out on September 16th so it’s been a time of celebration. It’s my fifth published book…how did that happen?! Given world events, it’s not the best time to be promoting a book but I hope that if...
“May you live in interesting times” says that old adage (curse?) and while 2020 has certainly been an “interesting” (insert other words of your choice!) year, in my family the past few weeks have been even more “interesting” than usual. A medical emergency If you...