I often describe myself as linguistically confused. Although I grew up in prairie Canada, I haven’t lived there in many years. As Tech Guy would attest, and except when I’m speaking with old friends, any remnants of my childhood Midwestern twang have long...
In the past month, I’ve been called Rebecca, Mary, Megan, and Jessica. At church last Sunday, another parishioner asked me where “Jennifer” was, mixing up English Rose and I. Together with a struggle to name a character in my work in progress, and a...
“You’re the writer. Spin it.” I didn’t appreciate it then, but those words, spoken by a sales guy with a swagger, a bespoke suit, and a Porsche, marked a defining moment in my life. Although I’d dabbled in fiction, I wasn’t writing it...
We’ve all had times which have brought more life lessons than we wanted to learn. As the primary caregiver for a child diagnosed with a chronic illness, the past five months have been that way for me.Yet, as I look back, I realize that maybe they were lessons I...
I’ve been thinking about friendship lately because relationships between friends (and family) underpin the stories I write. In parallel with the central romance, my heroes and heroines are part of a larger cast of characters and a community (in my current...