If you subscribe to my monthly reader newsletter, you may remember in January I mentioned a podcast chat with author Laura Vosika and Certified Cicerone (beer sommelier) Michael Agnew, hosts of “Books and Brews: Where Literature Meets Beer.” In that chat, I read three...
Authors, including me, jest that it’s lucky nobody in authority checks our internet search histories. Since I’m not a crime writer, I don’t have the browsing history that comes from wanting to find out things like “poisons made from everyday household items.” However,...
Before English Rose was born, I didn’t know whether I was having a boy or a girl. While I’d have loved a son as much as a daughter, part of me was relieved when the doctor announced the baby was a girl. As an only child with four girl cousins, I knew little about...
As some of you know, I bought a bicycle in March, my first one in over twenty years. However, owing to a long and harsh winter, including snow in the last week of April, I wasn’t able to ride my new bike until last weekend. Now, though, I’m trying to go for a short...
In her reader Facebook group, The Petal Garden, author friend Rosey Lee posts uplifting, feel-good content that brightens my day and makes me think too. One of Rosey’s recent posts led me to reflect about life lessons and I realized many of mine have come from...