Happy New Year…or not! As those who follow my author Facebook page know, I haven’t had the best start to 2025. A very Covid new year I rang in the new year with Covid and spent most of the holiday season either unwell myself or caring for sick family. I’m behind with...
Over the next few days, those of us in Canada, the UK, the United States and other countries mark Remembrance Sunday, Remembrance Day, Armistice Day and Veterans Day. These commemorations emerged following the First World War, when the Armistice agreement was signed...
This past week, I reached another milestone in my life and writing career. Thanks to my UK literary agent Kiran Kataria, I’ve signed a three-book deal for a new Second World War historical fiction series. These books, following three teachers who are evacuated with...
As we near the end of another year and much in our world continues to be in turmoil, I’m trying to focus on good things that have happened for me in 2023. I hope you can do the same and celebrate blessings large or small. Lake life Our new lakeside cottage is a...
I appreciate many of you have waited patiently until The Sweetheart Locket, my WW2 historical women’s fiction novel, would be available in paperback. I’m happy to say it’s now out in all countries and available from Amazon and several other vendors. Cost varies...