Although I write romance, I’m more about romancing the everyday than going all out for Valentine’s. However, since a Covid Christmas and New Year meant we couldn’t spend the holiday season at our lake house, Tech Guy and I were looking forward to going to that special...
I’m currently dealing with several personal and professional challenges causing stress and worry. So now more than ever, I’m digging into my metaphorical “coping toolbox” to find joy, practice self-care and remind myself to be grateful for the little things. Smelling...
Canadian winters can sometimes seem endless. This year, amidst a succession of grey, overcast days filled with work and the regular routine, a special day trip made for much-needed February fun. Although I love my small-town world, there are times I also crave city...
In my part of Canada, the first snow of the season is forecast for next week and weather pundits are predicting a harsh and earlier winter than usual. While I don’t relish snow and cold, for “winter people,” like most Canadians, there is much to do...
I grew up in a Canadian city (profiled in a documentary “Colder Than Mars”) that is either celebrated, or depending on your perspective, reviled for the harshness of its winter weather. Now I live near a place that this week garnered the dubious distinction as the...
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