Driving English Rose

Some people like driving, and getting behind the wheel of a car and heading for the open road is one of their happy places. I’m not one of those people! As a sedentary writer, one of the things I like best about my small-town life is that I live within walking...

Springing forward

When February slips into March and, irrespective of whether the new month comes in like a lion (as it has for my friends in the UK), or a lamb (here in the Rideau Valley), it’s the time of year when my thoughts always turn to my life in England. Although there...

My reading life

Long before I became an author, I was, and still am, an avid reader. Since early childhood, reading has been a huge part of my life—so much so that I’m always perplexed when asked how I find time to “fit” reading in. How could I not fit it in?...

Sand between my toes & memories in my heart

Tech Guy, English Rose and I have been on holiday this week. After months of bouncing between writing deadlines (me), school and medical appointments (English Rose), and work in big-city Toronto and our small-town home (Tech Guy), we all needed time to stop, reconnect...

The tale of a travelling china cabinet

This week, a moving van arrived at my home. It brought a china cabinet that’s been in my mother’s family since the mid-nineteenth century.In the furniture world, the cabinet is a stately dowager duchess or grizzled elder statesman. Made of solid wood, it...