A marvelous March mini break

Last week, I left Tech Guy and Floppy Ears at home to spend a four-day weekend with my dear sister-cousin. She had a work conference in downtown Toronto, Canada and invited me to join her. While she was in daytime meetings, I enjoyed a lovely hotel, savoured city life...

A very Covid new year: Choosing to ‘rewind’ on 2025

Happy New Year…or not! As those who follow my author Facebook page know, I haven’t had the best start to 2025. A very Covid new year I rang in the new year with Covid and spent most of the holiday season either unwell myself or caring for sick family. I’m behind with...

Sharing the power of a smile

I’ve been looking at old family photos and it’s fun to see how certain characteristics continue through generations. From noses (unfortunately for me!) to height, ear shape and even gestures, I see many similarities between late relatives and myself and English Rose....

Visiting my British ‘home’ & a summer blogging break

After five long years when pandemic restrictions and then my own bout with Covid precluded travel, I’m finally able to visit England again this summer. It’s still and always will be, important to who I am as a person and writer and one of the places I call...