The best-laid Valentine’s plans…What could go wrong?

Although I write romance, I’m more about romancing the everyday than going all out for Valentine’s. However, since a Covid Christmas and New Year meant we couldn’t spend the holiday season at our lake house, Tech Guy and I were looking forward to going to that special...

My well-travelled writing desk

On X (formerly Twitter), Welsh author friend Tracy Rees posted recently that she has two desks, an “expensive oak-topped one” and a “cheap self-assembly one” she built twenty-three years ago and has “carried…from house to house…ever since.” I too have several desks...

Cottage life summer (and a summer blogging break)

After a tough first half of 2023, I’m looking forward with hope (my word of the year) to what the next six months will bring. As part of a mid-year reset, I’m taking July and August to recharge, regroup and refocus. I plan to spend most of my time at our new holiday...

Thrift shopping: Feel-good fun and vintage finds

Can I get that wholesale? Growing up in a place nicknamed “wholesale city” where finding a “good deal” is a point of civic pride, thrift shopping has been part of my life since childhood. As well as being a fun hobby, since I’m grateful for my own blessings and...

A date, a day trip & February fun

Canadian winters can sometimes seem endless. This year, amidst a succession of grey, overcast days filled with work and the regular routine, a special day trip made for much-needed February fun. Although I love my small-town world, there are times I also crave city...