What kind of reader am I? And what kind of reader are you?

In the past few weeks, on social media and elsewhere, I’ve seen lots of buzz (and related quizzes) about reading types. While I’ve thought about my reading life in different ways, “reader type” was new to me. There are, however, certain traits intrinsic to “reader me”...

Why my favourite part of writing is rewriting

I don’t often post about my writing process because most of those who read this blog are readers, not other writers. However, having been in what some authors, me included, call the “writing and editing cave” for weeks (writing the first draft of one book and editing...

Holiday memories in music

Although I don’t usually start playing holiday music until December, 2020 has been such a grim year that I dug out my seasonal CDs and created a Spotify playlist in the middle of November. And from traditional carols to sacred music and popular festive tunes, now more...

Happiness is…Talking about books

Books have been part of my life as far as back as I can remember and almost as soon as I learned to read, I shared and talked about books with others. In childhood At school, book reports were a feature of elementary (primary) school and in sorting through old papers,...