The “dog days of summer” and a blog hiatus

It’s the time of year here in Canada that my mother and grandmothers called the “dog days of summer.” Between late July and early August, life slows. Road traffic isn’t as heavy. Email volume is lighter. Even social media engagement drops as life outdoors...

Changing my sleep & changing my life

Some of us, like Tech Guy and Floppy Ears, can sleep anytime, anywhere. That’s not me. However, in the past month, I’ve slept better than I have in years. While I may never be a consistently “good sleeper,” I’m on track to becoming a “better” one. Sleep...

Living and writing about mothers and daughters

Before English Rose was born, I didn’t know whether I was having a boy or a girl. While I’d have loved a son as much as a daughter, part of me was relieved when the doctor announced the baby was a girl. As an only child with four girl cousins, I knew little about...