A marvelous March mini break

Last week, I left Tech Guy and Floppy Ears at home to spend a four-day weekend with my dear sister-cousin. She had a work conference in downtown Toronto, Canada and invited me to join her. While she was in daytime meetings, I enjoyed a lovely hotel, savoured city life...

Celebrating my overflowing TBR pile ~ Can you relate?

My name is Jen, and I have too many books, physical and electronic, in my TBR (to be read) pile! That’s partly because as an author I read widely to learn, improve my writing craft, research topics I’m writing about and keep up-to-date with what’s popular in...

The best-laid Valentine’s plans…What could go wrong?

Although I write romance, I’m more about romancing the everyday than going all out for Valentine’s. However, since a Covid Christmas and New Year meant we couldn’t spend the holiday season at our lake house, Tech Guy and I were looking forward to going to that special...

A very Covid new year: Choosing to ‘rewind’ on 2025

Happy New Year…or not! As those who follow my author Facebook page know, I haven’t had the best start to 2025. A very Covid new year I rang in the new year with Covid and spent most of the holiday season either unwell myself or caring for sick family. I’m behind with...

My happy holiday season bucket list

It’s December and although part of me doesn’t know where 2024 has gone (shouldn’t it still be early September?!), we’re now in the midst of what for many is the holiday season. After a busy year in life and writing, I’m set for a slower-paced December complete with a...