We’ve all had times which have brought more life lessons than we wanted to learn. As the primary caregiver for a child diagnosed with a chronic illness, the past five months have been that way for me.Yet, as I look back, I realize that maybe they were lessons I...
I’ve been thinking about friendship lately because relationships between friends (and family) underpin the stories I write. In parallel with the central romance, my heroes and heroines are part of a larger cast of characters and a community (in my current...
I suspect I’m part magpie for I gravitate towards the shiny and sparkly, and am a self-confessed, jewellery junkie.I recently bought a set of Stackers boxes from the UK, a flexible storage system which has transformed my life in jewellery. However, as I...
It’s now three-quarters of a year since I returned to live in Canada. Nine months is the same length of time as a pregnancy and in many ways, these past months have been similarly life changing.There have been times of great joy. Getting the book deal I’d worked...
My début release (and 2015 RWA® Golden Heart® final manuscript) is now titled THE COTTAGE AT FIREFLY LAKE. It releases in mass market paperback and e-book format in January 2017 from Hachette Book Group USA, Grand Central Publishing, Forever.