On 18 July 2015 English Rose and I landed in Toronto on an Aer Lingus flight from London via Dublin. I was on my way home, but English Rose had left the only home she’d ever known.Missing EnglandOne year later, I still miss the gentle English mist, fish and...
July 7, 2016THE COTTAGE AT FIREFLY LAKE, the first book in my small-town Vermont series, releases on January 31, 2017 in mass market paperback and ebook. It’s an emotional, second chance love story about redemption and finding your way home and, as part of...
My first book, THE COTTAGE AT FIREFLY LAKE, releases on January 31, 2017 in mass market paperback and e-book, and it’s up for pre-order on Amazon.com, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK and Barnes & Noble. Today, I’m delighted to share my beautiful cover with...
When I was at school, the last bell of the year signalled not only the beginning of the long summer holiday but also many weeks of reading. Back then, after months of set school texts, summer was a glorious time to read what I wanted.Although those days are long gone,...
Tech Guy and I marked our twentieth wedding anniversary this week.His niece, who was our flower girl all those years ago, is being married in August and her mom circulated engagement photos to the extended family last weekend.Looking at those engagement pictures and...