Confession time. To my husband’s dismay, and as the teetering pile of books on my nightstand attests, I’m the kind of person who reads multiple books at the same time, happily skipping from one to another as the mood takes me. I’m also the kind of...
If you read my blog regularly, you know that I occasionally feature writer friends in a series called “Meet Me at the Diner.” Today it’s my pleasure to welcome Jennifer Wilck, a contemporary romance author with the Wild Rose Press. I met Jennifer at...
My mom grew up in a picturesque Canadian village in rural eastern Ontario—twelve miles from where I now live. Dotted with stone buildings and tucked into a rolling landscape of century farms and historic waterways, it’s a place that shaped me as a person, as well as...
“When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.” Or in my case, shopping for comfort food. As the weather cools, and darkness comes earlier, it’s the time of year for comfort food. However, in addition to childhood favorites like chicken pot pie,...
Long before I became an author, I was, and still am, an avid reader. Since early childhood, reading has been a huge part of my life—so much so that I’m always perplexed when asked how I find time to “fit” reading in. How could I not fit it in?...