Writing workshop for North Grenville Writers Circle

On 1 October 2018, I was invited to speak to members of the North Grenville Writers Circle (North Grenville Public Library, Kemptville, Ontario, Canada) about traditional publishing.  It was great to meet so many enthusiastic writers at all stages of their writing...

Disconnected from a connected world

If you follow me on social media, you know that I was unexpectedly offline for most of last week when work to lay underground fiber optic cables cut existing cables that deliver landline phone and internet service to my home. As someone who is almost always connected...

Back to the barre

For most of my adult life, a pair of worn ballet slippers has lurked at the back of my wardrobe—a poignant reminder of something that was important to me as a book and dance-loving child and teen, but that I’d lost sight of as the years slipped by.  Those shoes...

Lessons from my daughter

English Rose celebrated her fifteenth birthday earlier this month. Although it seems like yesterday she marked that milestone first birthday, my ‘baby girl’ is becoming a young woman and, more and more, I glimpse the person who will soon be not only my...

Reading habits

One of my Facebook friends, cozy mystery author Lena Gregory, recently posted a question about reading habits, asking “how many books do you read on average?” She also noted that while she “used to read between three and five books a week,”...