Home is where you make it

From tea in my favourite mug to so much more, I’m a homebody. After many moves and other travel, I draw strength and comfort from living in a place where my roots run deep, and in a home where I’m surrounded by pictures, furniture, china, and family...

New hope and Colouring The World Orange

Orange is not my colour. At best, it makes me look sallow. At worst, ill. Yet, this month (dubbed NERVember by the International Pain Foundation), I’m taking pride in wearing orange to raise awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS, also known as Reflex...

Quilts for a cause

I don’t sew, knit, crochet, embroider or do any of the other handicrafts at which women on both sides of my family tree excelled. In junior high home economics, sewing was painful for both me and my long-suffering mother. Mom made many of her own clothes and was...