Holiday memories in music

Although I don’t usually start playing holiday music until December, 2020 has been such a grim year that I dug out my seasonal CDs and created a Spotify playlist in the middle of November. And from traditional carols to sacred music and popular festive tunes, now more...

Losing a loved one in the time of Covid

As some of you know, Tech Guy’s mother (English Rose’s grandma) passed peacefully in the first week of November. Although not unexpected—she had advanced dementia and other serious medical issues—this time of pandemic made a difficult situation even more so. It also...

Laughter is indeed good medicine

When I was a child, my grandparents had a subscription to Reader’s Digest magazine and, once they finished with each issue, it came to my house to be read and enjoyed again. Back then, a favourite column was “Laughter is the Best Medicine!” and as an...