Why my favourite part of writing is rewriting

I don’t often post about my writing process because most of those who read this blog are readers, not other writers. However, having been in what some authors, me included, call the “writing and editing cave” for weeks (writing the first draft of one book and editing...

A wedding, an anniversary and a tale of two cakes

Last week, Tech Guy and I marked our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Over the years, we’d often thought about what our Silver anniversary would be like, a quarter-century milestone that then seemed very far away. Yet, of all the scenarios we considered, we never...

Change of seasons, change of clothes

Twice each year, in spring and autumn, I go through my wardrobe and have a major clear-out. I take the previous season’s clothes out of the closet and replace them with those stored out-of-season in my cedar chest. I also try on clothing to see it still fits or is in...