It’s the time of year here in Canada that my mother and grandmothers called the “dog days of summer.” Between late July and early August, life slows. Road traffic isn’t as heavy. Email volume is lighter. Even social media engagement drops as life outdoors...
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, ich freue mich sehr, mein neues Buch mit Ihnen teilen zu können. „Mein einziger Wunsch bist du“ ist ein warmherziger, süßer Liebesroman, in dem der Held und die Heldin eine zweite Chance in der Liebe, im Leben und in der Familie finden. In...
Paula Greenlees, a British author of historical fiction, interviewed me as part of a series of author interviews on her blog. I chatted with Paula about writing historical fiction, including The Sweetheart Locket, favourite authors and my writing process. We also...
Some of us, like Tech Guy and Floppy Ears, can sleep anytime, anywhere. That’s not me. However, in the past month, I’ve slept better than I have in years. While I may never be a consistently “good sleeper,” I’m on track to becoming a “better” one. Sleep...
Thanks to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers for taking part in The Sweetheart Locket blog tour with Rachel’s Random Resources and featuring an exclusive story excerpt. Drawn from the historical, Second World War thread, the heroine is working undercover for...