A year of courage and possibilities: My words for 2024

Feb 8, 2024 | 6 comments |

While I usually choose my word of the year much earlier, in 2024 it’s taken longer than I expected.

In fact, I’ve finally settled on two words rather than one but they’re linked.

First is “courage.”

Knowing already this year holds changes and challenges, I need the reminder that “courage” brings.

While I’ll still feel fear, facing uncertainty and challenges with a spirit of courage will help me better deal with and overcome obstacles.

That courage will also give me resilience and inner strength in difficult times.

My second word is “possibilities”

Along with courage, and while I enjoy my familiar routine, I also want to be open to possibilities and, like Floppy Ears, try new things.

Through “Try January” I only read books by new-to-me authors.

In February, I’m reconnecting with a cousin on my mother’s side of the family I haven’t seen since childhood.

And in each month of 2024, I want to do something special, new and meaningful.

Courage and possibilities

How are “courage” and possibilities” linked in my “word” of this year?

Courage is exploring possibilities and then turning those ideas into reality.

It’s easy to say “I wish I could,” or “I’d like to,” but it takes an extra push to move forward and actually “do.”

A guiding word

In previous years, my word has helped me in all sorts of ways and 2024 is already no exception.

As a speaker at last weekend’s “Let’s Talk Romance” event at Rideau Lakes Public Library, inspired by “courage” and “possibilities” I was more easily able to show my silly side.

Who knew that a Valentine’s Day streamer could become a feather boa?  And when it did, I had to join in!

See both the serious and more light-hearted sides of me in this short event video on Facebook here.

While I’m not about to go bungee jumping or ride a roller coaster, academic research says trying new things that fit with your interests and values can only be a good thing.

Sparking creativity to bringing more happiness and fun into my life and more, the courage to face my fears and embrace possibilities is part of what 2024 means for me.

If you need your own inspiration, check out this post, “Want to Break out of the Blues? Try Something New,” from the UW (University of Washington) Medical Centre in Seattle, U.S.A.


  1. Heidi Vanstone

    Congratulations on “landing” your words for 2024! Like you, it took me a little longer than usual to settle on my word (mindful) for this upcoming year. However, that longer process helps to make the choice that much more meaningful and relevant. I hope I can join you in some of those “possibilities” you look forward to tackling with courage!

    • Jen Gilroy

      Thank you, Heidi. I also hope you can join me in some of those “possibilities!” Congratulations on your word too. I wish you a “mindful” and meaningful year.

  2. Rosey Lee

    Great choices! Love this post!

    • Jen Gilroy

      Thank you, Rosey. I appreciate you reading and commenting on my blog and am glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Rose

    Hi from your long lost cousin.
    I’ve enjoyed reading a bit from your blog and looking forward to our meet up tomorrow.

    • Jen Gilroy

      Thank you, Rose. I appreciate you reading my blog. It’s so lovely to reconnect. 😊


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