A marvelous March mini break

Mar 13, 2025 | 0 comments |

Last week, I left Tech Guy and Floppy Ears at home to spend a four-day weekend with my dear sister-cousin. She had a work conference in downtown Toronto, Canada and invited me to join her.

While she was in daytime meetings, I enjoyed a lovely hotel, savoured city life (skyscrapers, oh my!), and had some much-needed rest and relaxation.

In the evenings, we caught up on our lives and families in ways we can’t as readily do via email, text or phone and video calls.

Refilling my creative well

It was a treat to meander and discover some hidden Toronto gems.

I enjoyed visiting The Toronto Reference Library, including a gallery showcasing vintage postcards from the library’s collection.

The exhibit included cards like the leather one shown to the right, “Greetings from Toronto: Canada, The Maple Leaf Forever,” circa 1905.

Other highlights were great bookshops, and a café with a European feel where I lingered and people-watched.

Stress, health and well-being

Away from my regular routine, I walked more, slept better and felt as if I’d done a ‘mental spring cleaning.’

Thanks to a change of scene and staying offline and away from social media, I returned home significantly less stressed in both mind and body.

Connections old and new

Family ties are precious, and in-person time with my sister-cousin was good for my soul. Her friendship nurtures me, and I value her wise advice and a sense of humour similar to mine.

While in Toronto, I also had the joy of meeting Beth Dranoff, a friend and “writer of things fantastical” I previously only knew online.

Although there’s much that can be toxic about our digital world, as an author it’s helped me forge important professional connections. I’m blessed that some of those have become true meetings of minds and could have chatted with Beth for much longer than I did.

Recharging, refreshing, renewing…and reading

Although I was only away from home for four days/three nights, it was as beneficial as many longer vacations.

My usually busy mind had a rest, allowing me to recharge, refresh and renew.

I also had uninterrupted reading time which nowadays is rare.

A marvelous March mini break

After what’s felt like a very long and dreary winter, this short break was exactly what I needed.

A bonus? Following the adage of “Live the Story You Want to Tell,” I even got some new book ideas.




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Photo by Robin Spencer, Spencer Studio