Happy New Year…or not! As those who follow my author Facebook page know, I haven’t had the best start to 2025.

A very Covid new year

I rang in the new year with Covid and spent most of the holiday season either unwell myself or caring for sick family.

I’m behind with writing work and had to ask for an extension on a book due in March.

I’m also, as with my first Covid bout in 2023, experiencing debilitating migraines.

While ill, I lost part of an old tooth filling so am now waiting for a dental appointment to have it repaired.

I’m dealing with various other issues too, and in ways large and small, life feels like more of an uphill battle than usual.

Add in January snow, cold and grey skies, it’s easy to feel gloomy.

However, I’m trying to make the best of things and, as my late mom would have said, count my many blessings.

Our season of Covid meant English Rose couldn’t return to university when planned so had more time at home. These days, having my “nest full” is both rare and precious, and I savoured it.

I also appreciate the friends who have helped with grocery shopping (“paying it forward” to quote one), shared meals and sent caring and supportive messages.

And as natural disasters, war and other unsettling events ravage various parts of the world, including the ongoing devastation of wildfires in California, I’m grateful for my safe and cozy home. In a place that anchors me in family, memories and security, my heart goes out to those suffering immense loss, uncertainty and grief.

Choosing to rewind

Over two weeks in, I’ve decided to press a metaphorical rewind button and, for a fresh start, relaunch 2025 in writing and life.

I’m looking forward to celebrating a belated Christmas with friends who were away over the holidays.

I’m excited about the books I’m releasing this year:

  • As Jen Gilroy, The Hero Next Door from Harlequin Heartwarming, first in a new Strawberry Pond sweet romance miniseries set in rural and small-town New Hampshire. It’s already available for pre-order so find out more here.
  • As Rose Warner, The Teacher Evacuees, my WWII women’s fiction novel from British publisher Canelo.
  • As Jen Gilroy, updated e-versions of my two previously-published Wishing Tree books.

I’m happy to have returned to ballet and Zumba classes because exercise helps with both my mental and physical health.

And although I haven’t yet chosen my word to live by for 2025, ideas are percolating.

In the meantime, I’m holding to “Hope,” one of my previous annual words, and an acronym a reader on social media this week commented means “hold on, pain ends.”

That’s wisdom and inspiration no matter where and how I find myself.


  1. Lally

    Ohhh Jen, so sorry to hear your New Year started so badly, here’s hoping you’re now feeling much perkier and dentist sorted and back to pounding those keys for the next Jen Gilroy masterpiece…. Sending love and hugs, Lally xxx

  2. Jennifer Wilck

    I’m so sorry you’re experiencing a rough start to the year, but I admire your resilience and how you’re finding the silver lining. Thinking of you and wishing you good health in 2025.

  3. Connie Behrens

    Prayers for strength to climb uphill.

  4. Heidi Vanstone

    Being sick is the worst, especially when it’s the start of a new year! Thinking of you on the “uphill” climb and just remember…it’s all downhill from here (just kidding, mostly).

  5. Linda Zagon

    Prayers, love and hugs being sent your way. Hoping 2025, will be a HEALTHY, happy and Peaceful Year. XO

    • Jen Gilroy

      Thank you, Linda. Much appreciated. I hope the same for you in 2025. xo

    • Jen Gilroy

      Thank you, Linda. Much appreciated. I wish the same for you. XO


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Photo by Robin Spencer, Spencer Studio